Gairdner convenes top authorities in AI to discuss its future in Science and Medicine

On October 25, there was buzz and excitement in the MaRS Discovery District Auditorium as audience members flooded in to watch the sold-out 2023 Gairdner Science Week International Symposium "The Future of AI in Science and Medicine."

The 2023 symposium explored the impact Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had, and will continue to have, on science and health equity, and possible issues it poses. Inspired by the award-winning research of 2023 Canada Gairdner International Award laureates Drs. Demis Hassabis and John Jumper, Gairdner convened top authorities in AI present on topics such as building a foundation model for single-cell omics using generative AI, how reinforcement learning can help tackle crucial problems in healthcare, using AI to accelerate scientific discovery and more.

Watch the event recording below.

  • Janet Rossant, Gairdner President and Scientific Director
  • Cheryl Arrowsmith
  • Doina Precup
  • Audience
  • Heather Munroe-Blum and Demis Hassabis
  • Elaine Okanyene Nsoesie,
  • Demis Hassabis
  • John Jumper
  • Demis Hassabis and John Jumper
  • Bo Wang
  • Artem Babaian
  • Artem Babaian
  • Audience
  • Demis Hassabis
  • Audience
  • Demis Hassabis and John Jumper
  • Elaine Okanyene Nsoesie,
  • Audience
  • John Jumper
  • Audience
  • Audience
  • Audience
  • Janet Rossant, Gairdner President and Scientific Director
  • Cheryl Arrowsmith
  • Doina Precup
  • Audience
  • Heather Munroe-Blum and Demis Hassabis
  • Elaine Okanyene Nsoesie,
  • Demis Hassabis
  • John Jumper
  • Demis Hassabis and John Jumper
  • Bo Wang
  • Artem Babaian
  • Artem Babaian
  • Audience
  • Demis Hassabis
  • Audience
  • Demis Hassabis and John Jumper
  • Elaine Okanyene Nsoesie,
  • Audience
  • John Jumper
  • Audience
  • Audience
  • Audience