Event Recap: Change Health Alberta

The Gairdner Foundation in partnership with the Alberta provincial government, established a fund for the promotion of science culture and achievement in the province of Alberta. Through this fund, Gairdner sponsored Change Health Alberta, which provided workshops and training sessions alternating between land-based learning at the Change Centre and in-school learning at Alexis Nakota Sioux School. Selected high school students from Northern Gateway, Parkland, Maswacis and Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation and cultural leaders co-created and participated in science-related training sessions and public events for the entire community.

The spring Community Conversation was called the Hope and Healing Gathering. This event related to Indigenous stories of science, culture and social connection based on their time spent in community with Elders and at the University of Alberta with Change Health Alberta researchers called the Change Health Family Program (CHCP).

This program was able to provide a deep, meaningful opportunity for Change Health Alberta and Alexis Nakota First Nation to provide new, authentic science leadership experiences to 25 Indigenous youth through the school. In addition to connections to the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine, students were connected to Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers from their own community.

Change Health Youth Leaders with the Athabasca Watershed Council

Alberta Mycological Society Presentation at Hope and Healing Gathering

Change Health Youth Leadership Team Training

Dr. Sean Lessard, Montreal Cree Nation, University of Alberta Professor of Secondary Education, discussing the role of pursuing education goals