Dr. Victora visits CUGH conference in Washington

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Gairdner has developed a strong partnership with the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) by bringing our John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Awardee to their annual conference to present a plenary lecture.

This year marked the 8th Annual conference and the theme was “Healthy People, Healthy Ecosystems: Implementation, Leadership & Sustainability in Global Health” in partnership with their host universities: Johns Hopkins University and Makerere University.

We were honoured to bring Dr. Cesar Victora to Washington, DC from Pelotas, Brazil to share his work on maternal and child health and nutrition in low and middle-income countries, with particular focus on the impact of exclusive breastfeeding on infant mortality and on the long-term impact of early-life nutrition

Dr. Victora spoke about his four decades of research and the impressive birth cohorts he has led. The audience was captivated by his lecture resulting in a deserving standing ovation at its conclusion.

We’re looking forward to continuing our partnership with CUGH in New York City next year. For more details on CUGH visit: http://www.cugh.org/

Dr. Victora Visits CUGH